Law firms, we are constantly reminded, are ‘people businesses’. People are, ultimately, defined by their actions (behaviours), and those behaviours…
Welcome to the debut episode of The Score, a new monthly podcast presented by Jamie White of Overture. It features…
Team moves are the Holy Grail of law firm recruitment, but, as with any quest for semi-mythical treasure, you will…
I’ve always disliked the term ‘networking’. For me, a network conjures images of pipes or rails, conduits soullessly transporting stuff…
We are, it seems, in law firm merger-frenzy territory. Every law firm in town seems plumb-desperate to bag a US…
Throughout history, the word ‘strategy’ has always been associated with the military, but, as with many other aspects of humanity,…
Whether the most recent rankings meant you, your firm and your partners were elated to have been promoted or infuriated…
Don’t just fire out press releases and hope for success: pick up the phone and treat journalists like people. It’s…
As is always the case with the media, those who win coverage are the ones who choose to speak up.…
There’s one phrase that every lawyer I’ve ever worked with on a private practice startup loathes with visceral intensity. And…
As the saying goes, there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. But perhaps we should add another certainty…
The Swiss verein’s ability to function as distinct businesses while reaping the benefits of a single global firm is running…