Law firms, we are constantly reminded, are ‘people businesses’. People are, ultimately, defined by their actions (behaviours), and those behaviours…
Welcome to the second episode of The Score, a new monthly podcast presented by Jamie White of Overture. It features…
Welcome to the debut episode of The Score, a new monthly podcast presented by Jamie White of Overture. It features…
Team moves are the Holy Grail of law firm recruitment, but, as with any quest for semi-mythical treasure, you will…
I’ve always disliked the term ‘networking’. For me, a network conjures images of pipes or rails, conduits soullessly transporting stuff…
Is Law a unique sector, industry, call-it-what-you-will? Lawyers certainly like to think so, but many vehemently deny this. Law is…
We are, it seems, in law firm merger-frenzy territory. Every law firm in town seems plumb-desperate to bag a US…
Few lawyers have a ready answer to my favourite question, but they should. I have a favourite question at the moment…